If you are a growing NEMT fleet or other transportation provider, then driver recruitment will no doubt be top of your agenda. Hiring the right drivers for your fleet is critical, and so is finding the right driver recruitment strategies to maximize lead generation in a way that garners both quality leads and optimise the return on your investment in relation to both time and cost

You can think of your recruiting as a funnel – leads go in the top, as you work them further down the funnel, you start to lose leads to their job preferences, screenings and other reasons. At the bottom of the funnel you get the output – those candidates that you successfully converted into a driver.

In the following, I’ll walk you from the top of funnel and through to the end.


At the outset, it’s crucial to cast a wide net to capture potential driver leads. This involves utilizing various channels, from targeted online advertising and social media campaigns to lookalike audiences on social and Google.

With all these strategies, one solution can be your omnichannel lead generation powerhouse: Career Driver. With its comprehensive approach, Career Driver serves as the cornerstone of lead generation, streamlining the process and maximizing efficiency.


Once leads are in the pipeline, you must pick up the phone and ACT FAST! To quote the great Ricky Bobby, “If you ain’t first, you’re last.” If you don’t make quick contact with someone who has expressed interest that window of opportunity could close quickly. Keep in mind that the barrier to entry for the roles we seek to fill is low to none, so these candidates are most likely applying to various companies. You must consider the likes of Amazon, Wal Mart, and Mc Donalds as competition in addition to those who are your direct transportation competitors – and if you aren’t first to call the candidate, another recruiter has probably already picked the phone up and talked to them. Our rule of thumb with our in-house recruiting team at Career Driver is that new leads don’t sit at the top of funnel for more than 12 hours.

Once you make contact, it’s time to sell them on the role and the company. Compelling messaging highlighting the benefits and perks of driving for your company is essential. Create a list of unique selling points you can utilize in your initial contact. But we have to honest with ourselves and find the weak spots in our roles – and find those frequently raised pain points and come up with compelling arguments to counter them. For instance, if you need night and weekend drivers but the candidate you’re speaking to wants to only work Monday to Friday – which you have the work for, but really need weekends filled- impress on them the premium pay they can earn on the weekend shifts.

However, it’s equally important to personalize outreach efforts, addressing each lead’s specific needs and concerns.

For instance, during a screening call, a recruiter might identify a candidate’s preference for flexible schedules or interest in serving vulnerable populations through NEMT services. The recruiter can then tailor subsequent interactions to emphasize the company’s flexibility and commitment to community service, showcasing how the role aligns with the candidate’s preferences and values.


As leads progress through the funnel, it’s crucial to rigorously screen them to ensure they meet the company’s standards. This involves implementing a streamlined application process, establishing clear qualification criteria, and conducting thorough background checks, including driving records and drug screenings.

During screening calls, recruiters can delve deeper into candidates’ ability to meet the entry level criteria. Establish that the candidate can hit the essential qualifications – age, safe driving record, clean background, ability to pass a drug screen, etc. Talk through this with candidates before spending money to send them off for all the backgrounds and screens.

Screening shouldn’t stop at base level. If you aim to retain your drivers, come up with questions you can use in identifying key attributes or experiences that resonate with the company’s mission and service offerings. These insights enable recruiters to demonstrate a genuine understanding of the candidate’s potential fit within the organization.


Finally, as candidates near the bottom of the funnel, it’s time to seal the deal and convert them into valued drivers, whether as company drivers or independent operators. This entails presenting competitive compensation packages and benefits, providing comprehensive onboarding to facilitate a smooth transition, and offering ongoing support and resources to foster success in the role.


I hope these insights have provided valuable guidance on optimizing lead generation for taxi and NEMT drivers. I’d be delighted to connect and discuss further how we can drive success in your recruitment efforts. Let’s collaborate and navigate this journey together.

Jodie Lethgo
