Offer your drivers early payouts for card work

Getting paid as quickly as possible is a key motivation for lots of drivers. Driver Pay allows you to release payments for card work faster with Scheduled or Instant payouts. It will be a hit with your current driver base, as well as giving you an attractive benefit to recruit new drivers with.    


Get Drivers Paid Early For Their Card Work 

Getting paid as quickly as possible is a key motivation for lots of drivers. Driver Pay allows you to release payments for card work faster with Scheduled or Instant payouts. It will be a hit with your current driver base, as well as giving you an attractive benefit to recruit new drivers with.    

How it Works

Scheduled Payouts

This feature allows fleets to schedule payouts at regular intervals by choosing weekly or daily. This allows fleets to easily combine Driver Pay and existing processes. This may suit a Full Time Driver who works consistently and likes to be paid regularly.

Instant Payouts

Allows drivers to get paid instantly when their job completes. This is a great model for part time drivers who may work fewer hours or a full time driver who needs access to earnings unexpectedly.

Payment Dashboard

Easy to use payment dashboard for fleets. 

Watch a full demo of Driver Pay

Key Benefits

Centralised Resource

No Need to Share Data with Additional Third Parties. Aligned with Dispatch invoicing and Linked to Driver App

Recruitment Tool

Instant and scheduled payout options serve as an attractive recruitment benefit.


Once enabled, it runs itself

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