
Receive high value bookings online with Cabubble – Grow your revenue

Founded in 2008, Cabubble brings you high-value bookings from multiple online sources: apps, web bookers, travel affiliates and direct connections with corporate and consumer booking platforms.

Integrated with iCabbi for seamless data dispatch, Cabubble improves your office efficiency, freeing you to grow your business.

All fares are paid direct to you, so you’ll never have to chase for account payment.

Cabubble is trusted by hundreds of the UK’s leading taxi and private hire operators as an integral technology partner.

  • Increase bookings: Grow your revenue
  • Full control: Plots, fares and more
  • Dispatch integration: Synchronises with iCabbi
  • Efficiency: Your staff are more productive
  • No account needed: Fares always paid direct to you
  • Trusted: Hundreds of UK cab operators
  • Market-leading fees: Compare us with other aggregators


Want to know more?

Arrange a call with Cabubble today
