Online cab booking service for customers and businesses
Operating for over 10 years and backed by Telefonica O2, the mobile operator, over 800 Cab Operators UK wide have joined our network.
minicabit is also the official cab partner for Heathrow Airport, Stansted Airport, Expedia,, Visit Britain and Ascot amongst many other brands. Also over 20% of our bookings on our award winning platform are made by business customers. Oh, and minicabit was the first app to win offers on BBC TV’s Dragons’ Den.
minicabit has integrated with iCabbi so you can receive bookings straight onto your screen within your existing workflow. So why not contact us today to find out how you could gain our high value bookings tomorrow.
- No sign up or listing fees: We take a commission on the trips you get from us, so we only make money when you do
- No tech set up needed from you: We can even integrate with your iCabbi dispatch system so bookings go straight into your existing workflow
- We absorb card merchant charges for you: Typically saving you 5%
- Dedicated support Manager: To optimise your account
- No regional costs: Extend your reach without the costs of regional expansion
- Free data tools & insights on your local market: Always stay ahead to maximise your income
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