Reliable dispatch technology to run your business
You’ll be glad to hear that iCabbi’s uptime is 99.999% – something we’re more than happy to boast about, because no other provider comes close to this! Indeed, our Dispatch engine leads the field in almost all areas. It’s highly-configurable, allowing you to translate your expert local knowledge into rules that help you intelligently match supply and demand. It’s capable of handling the simplest trips from A to B, to recurring bookings, to complex bookings with multiple pickups and drop-offs.

Reliable dispatch technology to run your business
You’ll be glad to hear that iCabbi’s uptime is 99.999% – something we’re more than happy to boast about, because no other provider comes close to this! Indeed, our Dispatch engine leads the field in almost all areas. It’s highly-configurable, allowing you to translate your expert local knowledge into rules that help you intelligently match supply and demand. It’s capable of handling the simplest trips from A to B, to recurring bookings, to complex bookings with multiple pickups and drop-offs.
Give your business clients control of their account
Flexible Dispatch Rules
Create an efficient dispatch plan by configuring your system to dispatch your bookings in many different ways. You can schedule these dispatch rules for different times of the day
Zone Profiling
You can set up separate Zones, each with their own Dispatch Rules. You can schedule profiles for day/time in advance, for example, to cover a busy stadium location during a concert time, or manually invoke a profile at any time you deem necessary
Dispatch by Fleet
Using Sites you can set-up a new fleet within your iCabbi system, which will run and dispatch separately to your current fleet. You can share work across your fleets should you wish, for example during busy periods, by setting up a Site Profile to dispatch uncovered bookings to other fleets in your system
Overbooking Protection
Create an efficient dispatch plan by configuring your system to dispatch your bookings in many different ways. You can schedule these dispatch rules for different times of the day
If the Overbooking feature is used to manage your demand then Networking is used to manage your supply. This newly launched feature allows you to partner with like-minded taxi companies in your local area to create a super fleet which allows you and your partner taxi companies to cover more bookings with ease
We speak your language! The Taxi 360 platform can be translated with ease into any language, making it available to you no matter where you are in the world. It is already operational in English, French, Danish, Finish, Swedish and Ukrainian
Want To Know More?
Request your demo of the iCabbi platform and transform your fleet.