by Bob Nixon | Sep 21, 2022 | Booking Aggregators, Other, Partners, Passenger App
Shaping the global future of mobility and smart cities SkedGo provides personalised trip planning, corporate mobility and other Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) technology – for start-ups, corporations and governments. We help organisations to rapidly create their own...
by Bob Nixon | Sep 21, 2022 | Other, Partners
Online Rota Software – Arrange time-off and find cover quickly The original idea for RotaCloud was inspired by our own experiences working with staff rotas. Developed in the heart of Yorkshire, our aim was to craft a straightforward, user-friendly way for...
by Bob Nixon | Sep 21, 2022 | Other, Partners
Your Trusted Partner for Data Protection and GDPR Privacy Helper offers clear, pragmatic advice and simple solutions on GDPR and Data Protection legislation to companies across the UK and throughout Europe. With a service to suit all budgets, over 160 organisations –...
by Bob Nixon | Sep 21, 2022 | Other, Partners
Unique taxi sign that brings loads of new, smart features to your taxi The iToplight is a unique taxi sign that brings loads of new, smart features to your taxi. Instead of just indicating that the vehicle is a taxi the iToplight opens a new communication channel to...
by Bob Nixon | Sep 21, 2022 | Insurance, Other, Partners
One of the largest, independent taxi insurance brokers in the UK For over 60 years Patons has been serving the UK Taxi Driver community. We provided professional Insurance services for 1000s of Taxi Drivers from our 8 offices across the UK. Fast, free and competitive...
by Bob Nixon | Sep 21, 2022 | Other, Partners, Phone Solutions
Tailored communications for the private hire industry Being agile, flexible and always available is imperative when it comes to serving your existing customers consistently and reliably. But being able to identify and seize new opportunities means being better,...