The Taxi Alliance now officially exists! I am delighted to announce the joint venture between iCabbi and the Taxi and Private Hire industry has been formally approved by the iCabbi Board of Directors. It came into effect, in the UK & Ireland, March 31st, 2022. Representing over 200 companies and upwards of 35,000 taxi licenses. The industry has spoken and fleets everywhere are saying yes to collaboration and a stronger, brighter, and prosperous future. 

Purpose of the Taxi Alliance

The aim of the Taxi Alliance is to help fleets unite as a national movement to defend and grow their businesses. The Taxi Alliance: 

  • Provides security to iCabbi customers that the software is vital to the operation, growth and success of their businesses and will continue to be developed in their best interest.
  • Facilitates market-specific product R&D in collaboration with taxi fleets. Therefore, taxi companies get a say in the products they need to succeed.  
  • Enables the development of a national taxi brand that allows taxi companies to thrive locally, while taking part in a brand that passengers, drivers, businesses and government organisations will recognise and use. 
  • Develops new commercial opportunities for fleets.
  • Facilitates the sharing of knowledge and best practices between fleets.
Benefits of Being a Taxi Alliance Member

Being a member helps to unite the industry and work together to grow opportunities for the taxi industry. Specifically members also get: 

  • Opportunity to own a stake by buying shares 
  • Voting rights
  • Best pricing
  • Digital marketing support to help grow their businesses 
A Bright Future for the Taxi and Private Hire Industry in the UK & Ireland

iCabbi has a tradition of collaboration with our customers. We’ve grown iCabbi on a foundation of strong relationships with our fleets, many of whom helped steer us in the early days. Right now, our Product and R&D teams are working hard to revamp the iCabbi platform – and the fruits of their efforts are already being seen and felt. The Taxi Alliance can play a valuable role in ensuring the right features are developed in the right order, and that we continue to drive the frontier of taxi innovation. 

The Taxi Alliance celebrates our legacy of innovation through collaboration and moves it to the next level, where we are truly in partnership with one another. Our customers’ success and iCabbi’s successes are one and the same and I think that is a really wonderful thing. It’s a new dawn, and I feel positive, optimistic, and excited about the next chapter we’re bringing to the industry. 

My Thanks

I wish to thank the many customers who have bought into this concept. I find the grit and determination of taxi companies inspiring. I’m honoured that so many trust iCabbi to be their partner in forging an ambitious future for their fleet and the wider industry.

Getting the Taxi Alliance from concept to reality has been one hell of a journey. The idea is simple, but the legal framework required to support it is not! And that’s an understatement, believe me! It has taken an enormous amount of planning and legal counsel to create an entity that is mutually beneficial to all parties. We’ve essentially ripped up contracts with customers in the UK & Ireland and created a new, better way of doing business. As a result, this has required a lot of effort in terms of communicating with customers to help explain changes, benefits, and opportunities.

And Gratitude

Throughout all of this, the team in the UK, and here at head office, have been outstanding. Their talent and dedication to the customer base is second to none. I’m proud of what they’ve achieved and greatly thankful too. We’ll need a beer or two for sure to mark this enormous effort, but for right now can I say thanks and a massive well done to Mark, Frank, Chris, Glenn, Robbie, Richard, Tom, Will, Hannah, Mick, Barry, Ciara, Sinead, Rosalba, and the wider team who supported in various ways. 

iCabbi is part of the Mobilize ecosystem, which gathers all the mobility and energy-related services of Renault Group. I would therefore like to finish by thanking our colleagues at Mobilize as well as the iCabbi Board of Directors. Without their support and vision, this initiative could not have become a reality.

Check out all the latest news on the Taxi Alliance, including who has joined here.
