On March 31st, 2022, the Taxi Alliance will officially come into effect and the Taxi Alliance contracts are now released. The Taxi Alliance is a joint venture between iCabbi and independent private hire and taxi fleets in the UK & Ireland. It will offer taxi companies the security they require because they now know the software they’ve built their businesses on, won’t be sold to a competitor. Fleets now have a say in how their products are developed and an opportunity to be invested, by holding shares.
What’s Next
With the release of the Taxi Alliance contracts now issued to customers, what happens next? Sinead caught up with Gavan Walsh, iCabbi’s CEO, to find out. “Better late than never” states Gavan as he kicks off the interview and discusses the journey of this massive task, the reasons why the Taxi Alliance was developed, the benefits of joining the Taxi Alliance, the iCabbi commitment to the industry and future events.
And the Journey so Far
There was an overwhelming warm and positive response from the industry and with the Taxi Alliance contracts issued (with the majority already signed and returned) things are already looking very positive. This was no easy fete but Gavan helps to explain why it was worth it. Confirming iCabbi’s commitment to the industry and market, he discusses why taxi fleets are stronger together. iCabbi’s CEO also discusses the options available to each fleet.
We’re on a mission to unite the taxi and private hire industry in the UK & Ireland. On 31 March 2022, the Taxi Alliance came into effect. The Taxi Alliance is a joint venture between iCabbi and independent private hire and taxi companies. This gives taxi fleets security about the future of the software they’ve built their businesses on. Members get voting rights and the opportunity to hold shares in the Alliance. It’s an unprecedented business model that marks a major shift in the taxi landscape towards a true technology provider-operator partnership. You can keep up to date with all the latest news, signees, and stories relating to the Taxi Alliance here. If you would like to add a picture or story about your company signing up you’re very welcome to do so. Simply mail marketing@icabbi.com.
Want to learn more or interested in joining the Taxi Alliance? Please click here.
Additional Reading
Who’s joining the Taxi Alliance?
A Q&A Session with iCabbi’s CEO. Gavan Walsh. Why the Taxi Alliance Makes Sense