by Sinead Gillett | Mar 7, 2022 | Blog, Customer Success, Industry
Why was Simon Callendar of ABC Taxis Norwich so keen to sign his Taxi Alliance contract? Find out why he was the very first person to sign his taxi fleet up in this iCabbi Fleet Beat interview with Sinead Gillett. ABC Taxis Norwich, the history making company, is...
by Sinead Gillett | Mar 2, 2022 | Blog, Customer Success
Everything has changed for Kyle Summers. Back in 2014, Alexandria Yellow Cab was under massive pressure from the Ridehailers and he was running out of hope. Back then, the majority of his customers called for a cab. As a result, his taxi business maintained a noisy...
by Sinead Gillett | Feb 22, 2022 | Blog, Customer Success
Sinead Gillet, iCabbi’s Chief Marketing Officer, sits down with Roman Gomon of Yellow Cab Edmonton located in Northern Canada. One of the first iCabbi users within their market, Roman shares his iCabbi’s claim to fame whereby his iCabbi onboarding and the...
by Sinead Gillett | Nov 16, 2021 | Blog, Customer Success
Judy Potter of Black & White Transportation, Ohio, has been busy! Not only has she managed to grow her taxi business during Covid-19 but she has also just accepted the role of the presidency of The Transportation Alliance (TTA). Find out how she has done this and...
by Sinead Gillett | Oct 26, 2021 | Blog, Customer Success
The taxi industry in the UK & Ireland is about to change forever and for the better! The Taxi Alliance is an innovative business concept, bringing a taxi dispatch technology provider (that’s us!) into a true partnership with customers (you guys!). It’s a joint...
by Sinead Gillett | Oct 22, 2021 | Blog, Customer Success
Why a driver recruitment panel? Driver recruitment has become a problem for taxi companies in the Covid-19 recovery period. On average, driver numbers for taxi fleets are still down about 20% on pre-Covid numbers. Some taxi drivers are reluctant to return to work, and...